Learn English for free

Why is speaking a foreign language such a challenge?

Students are often better at listening and reading than they are at speaking.

To start with, these are very different skills. Listening and reading are what we call receptive skills, whereas speaking (and writing) are productive. Your receptive skills are used to process and comprehend language that is presented to you. But, with speaking, there’s a lot more going on.

In fact, speaking isn’t really a single skill; it’s a whole system of processes. Here’s a diagram to give you an idea of what happens in our brains every time we speak.

Why is this course is ideal to practice speaking?

When it comes to speaking fluently and accurately, practice makes perfect. Think about your native language. How old were you when you started to speak? How many hours do you spend a week speaking this language? Your articulators (e.g. tongue, lips, teeth) have had thousands of hours of practice, moving around and making the specific sounds of your native language.

Typically, in formal school settings – with many students in a class and limited hours per week – not much time is dedicated to speaking. This is one reason why a learner may not have very clear pronunciation, nor a good level of spoken fluency. With this English self-learning speaking course, you can practice whenever, wherever.

English teachers from USA
Train to produce sounds more accurately

This speaking course allows you to train your articulators to produce sounds more accurately. In a real conversation, you have to organize your ideas, find the right words and formulate phrases. But by imitating someone else’s speech, you can just focus on the sounds of the language.

Speak English with an American
Improve your English speaking skills

This course is to improve your English speaking skills as it helps improve pronunciation, intonation, and vocabulary. It can also help you unconsciously improve other things in English such as rhythm, stress, grammar, and more.


The best way to do this is to practice moving the muscles in the correct way. The more you do it, the easier it gets. 

This is exactly the same for when you want to make new sounds when speaking. If you want to make the sounds correctly, you need to practice moving your face, lips and tongue in the correct way. This will take time, but shadowing is perfect for practicing these skills!

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Listen to the audio and try to repeat the sentence you just heard. You should practice each Unit 3-5 times before moving on to the next one. Try to pay close attention to the sounds of the words and the stress of the sounds.

american english teacher